Book Review: The Mountain Within

The Mountain Within by Herta Von Stiegel

Goodreads Summary:

In July 2008, international business executive Herta von Stiegel led a group of disabled people to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro to raise money for charity. The story was captured in the award-winning documentary The Mountain Within-and now the expedition has inspired this remarkable work, which blends the gripping tale with powerful leadership lessons and conversations with many of the world's most influential business leaders:

Kay Unger Sung-Joo Kim Dr. Joachim Faber Baroness Scotland of Asthal Marsha Serlin Dr. Karl (Charly) and Lisa Kleissner Martha (Marty) Wikstrom Sam Chisholm Minister Mohamed Lotfi Mansour Karin Forseke President and Lt. General Seretse Khama Ian Khama Christie Hefner Abeyya Al-Qatami Hon. Al Gore and David Blood Dr. Mohamed "Mo" Ibrahim Life may be full of obstacles, but it is the mountain within that most often needs to be conquered. No matter your challenges or where you are on your climb to the top, this unique work helps you become a resilient leader capable of guiding your team to achieve even the most challenging goal.

My Review:
4/5 Stars
A great book on leadership that didn't feel like another self-improvement book! Each chapter in the book has part of Herta and her team's journey up Mount Kilimanjaro followed by a leadership technique that was demonstrated, and ending with an impressive CEO and how they use the strategy. I caught myself rooting for every one of the climber that were taking part in the journey, and brokenhearted when she wrote of the ones who didn't make it up. 
I have never had a desire to climb a mountain before, and although that was't the point of the book I have set a new goal for myself. So if this book could inspire me to do that it must be one heck of a inspirational book. 


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