Book Review: Find Your Why

Find Your Why by Simon Sinek
Goodreads Summary:
The next step for applying the life-changing lessons of the bestseller Start With Why.
With Start With Why, Simon Sinek inspired a movement to build a world in which the vast majority of us can feel safe while we are at work and fulfilled when we go home at night. However, many people have had trouble bringing the book's message into their own career and company. Now, along with two of his colleagues, Peter Docker and David Mead, he has created a guide to the most important step any business can take: finding your why.

This easy-to-follow guide starts with the search for your personal why, and then expands to helping your colleagues find your organization's why. With detailed instructions on every stage in the process, the book also answer common concerns, such as: What if my why sounds like my competitor's? Can you have more than one why? And, if my work doesn't match my why, what do I do?

Whether you're entry level or a CEO, whether your team is run by the founder or a recent hire, these simple steps will lead you on a path to a more fulfilling life and longterm success for you and your colleagues.

My Review:
4.5/5 Stars

This is one self improvement book that I truly think is applicable to everyone. Because each and every one of us at some point ask ourselves why. Why am I here? Why am I a blogging? Why is this person in my life? Why is the sky blue? Okay maybe not the last one, but really if you can find me one person that doesn't at some point wonder why they do what they do I will give you $100. 
This book takes you step by step of how to go through the process of discovering what you love and how that fits into every aspect of your life. It was often repetitive, and had several parts that were for the "moderator" you choose to help you, but I think it's good to read the whole thing, so you truly understand the process of uncovering your why. 
There were different sections for finding your why as an individual and finding your why as a group. Both take the same steps with slight modifications.
Annnddd it wouldn't be a good self-improvement book without some good quotes, here are my favorites:

  • "Your Vision is only actionable if you say it out loud. If you keep it to yourself, it will remain a figment of your imagination."
  • "Leaders are the ones who have the courage to go first and open a path for others to follow."


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