Sunday Post (2)

- Top Ten Tuesday (Most anticipated releases of the 2nd half of 2019)
- From Here to You (Crash and Burn #1) by Jamie McGuire (Review)
- Tears of the Silenced by Misty Griffin (Review)
- Can't Wait Wednesday
- Where'd You Go Bernadette by Maria Semple (Review)

I recently found this show on Hulu, and it is currently on Freeform (formerly ABC Family still confused about the new name), but I'm obsessed!! It follows 3 girls during their jobs at a magazine and their lives in New York. The writing and humor reminds me so much of my friends it's crazy, I'm making them all start the show this week.

“No matter how bad home is, it is still home, and home is something that will always be a part of you, something that helps define your life.”
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